Workers Compensation Q & A
What are work-related injuries?
Work-related injuries are injuries that are associated with and happen as a result of your occupation or work. These injuries can cause pain, impair your functioning, deprive you of sleep, cause permanent or temporary physical damage, force you to miss work, and more.
Work-related injuries can have a negative impact on your daily life without the right medical support. Urgent Care of Soldotna treats a range of work-related injuries. Work-related injuries can vary in severity and type.
What are the most common work-related injuries?
Work-related injuries can involve inflammation, physical damage, breaks, fractures, muscle sprains and tears, and more. The most common work-related injuries are:
- Trips and falls
- Motor vehicle crashes
- Strikes by equipment or objects
- Acts of violence
- Exposure to harmful substances or environments
Work tasks can involve repetitive postures or movements, such as working on a factory line. This can cause some form of tissue overload or injury. Occupations with hazardous substances or chemicals, heavy-lifting, and dangerous equipment, and other harsh environments might be more likely to cause a work-related injury.
After you recover and return to work, you might need to alter your work environment and workstation and change how you work to make it more comfortable for you on your healing journey. Ask the Urgent Care of Soldotna team for tips on how to avoid injury.
What is worker’s compensation?
Worker’s compensation is a form of insurance that provides medical benefits and wage replacement to employees that have been injured during employment. Urgent Care of Soldotna offers valuable medical support for work-related injuries.
Your provider begins with an evaluation and assessment to determine the extent of the injury and the best way to treat it. After testing, you receive a personalized treatment plan that might include lifestyle modifications, such as optimal nutrition and appropriate regular exercise, as well as the limited use of medications such as pain relievers and anti-inflammatories.
Some of the time, pain medications can be useful to relieve pain, help you sleep, and improve your mood. Your provider sparingly provides pain medications and focuses on other successful treatment methods, such as rehabilitative exercises and nerve root blocks. A number of treatment methods can improve your overall wellness and assist your body while you heal.
The Urgent Care of Soldotna providers incorporate all aspects of your lifestyle and your health to boost your healing and get you back to normality as soon as possible.
If you’ve suffered a work-related injury, call Urgent Care of Soldotna or just walk-in!